
FINReport is the reporting environment for FAS department administrators. Reports include financial reports that include actuals, budgets and forecast, security access reports, fund information including terms and gift advices, as well as audit reports for expired confidentiality agreements and phone listing.


Access to the report folders is managed by the intersection of Role and Department (Org).  If you need to update your access, please complete the Access Security Request form and forward to

Log On

To log on to FINReport, go to  (note if accessing from home you must be logged into Harvard's VPN).


The home screen has helpful information for users including the last time the data was refreshed.



Users with Department Lite role have no access to financial reports folder but have access to three folders with the following reports:



Users with Department - All role have access to the same reports as Department Lite users as well as a fourth folder containing financial reports.


College Department Administrators can have a Department All + College role that would allow them to see additional folder with custom financial reports.


Consult with Appsec on access to additional folders if you are a Tub Financial Officer.

Report Catalog

The Report Catalog contains a description of all the reports available to Department Lite and Department All roles. The descriptions include the questions answered by the report as well as the parameters and fields contained in the report.

FAS Finance Reporting Hub

There are currently 4 applications that are available for analysts in the FAS Finance office. Roles and permissions are set by Appsec group.


Fund Management Application – a custom database to keep track of management comments and additional attributes on endowment, gift and designated funds.

Transfers Application – a custom database and application to keep track of the FAS transfer agreements and funding commitments. Read more about the app here[]

Hierarchy Management Application – a custom application that facilitates roll up hierarchies for funds, orgs and divisions, and object codes. Contact Appsec when existing hierarchies need adjustments or corrections.